Sunday, January 2, 2011

Best of 2010

I've learned it is not only important to take as many photos as you can but going back to them and reliving each moment is as equally significant to create some meaning out of it. So for better memory management, for every place I deem worth-sharing, I shall capture in this blog.

For my first ever entry for this blog and for the year, I've compiled my best destinations for the past year. If there's a word to summarize my 2010 it would be adventure. I'm glad to have met new friends, conquered new things, new places, and even myself. I've finally felt the freedom to go and be somewhere, anywhere...

1.) "Best Climb" - Mt. Pulag (Napo-Ambangeg trail), June 2010
I can't believe a small decision to attend an orientation of Globe Adventure Club would lead me to climbing 5 mountains this year. Well not unlikely as I've always been curious to join our mountaineering org back in college. This was the most difficult, exhausting, yet fulfilling climb. See, the heavy, fully loaded backpack, the night trek were all dreadful. But being 2922 MASL after over 2 days of trekking was quite something.

2.) "Best Birthday Gift" - Singapore, May 2010
Universal Studios was the highlight of this trip. I also got my first SLR and got my first photowalk around the city. It was by far the best birthday celebration I've had, all thanks to kuya.


3.) "Best Teambuilding" - PDCSD in Subic, May 2010
Fun and relaxing. I'm grateful to be part of this new team. After a few months of pondering, I have decided to take a shift in career path back to software development. No regrets so far. ;)

 4.) "Best Misadventure" - Caramoan, November 2010
So what do you do in Caramoan when it is struck by the tail end of the cold front, with huge waves and gusty winds you don't want to risk getting into? You go to the famous Red Bricks church, only to find out  there's a burial ceremony going on. You go to a restaurant (you know, not the carinderia type) to comfort yourself, and you find out the cook is on leave. The whole time we were wondering who among ourselves has that dreadful 'balat'.

Good thing I was with one of the most positive friends I knew and we survived all these bloopers and managed to have fun even if it was within the corners of a hotel room. Lesson learned: don't risk going there during the rainy season as without the island hopping, there's really not much. But sure I'll be back.

5.) "Best Bum Trip" - Cebu, July 2010
We took our time: waking up when we wanted to, pigging out, beach bumming, touring the city and taking as many pictures as we could. Cebu is really beautiful with really friendly folks. Wish I could go back during Sinulog and go to Bohol as well.

6.) "Best Impromptu Trip" - Subic, October 2010
Amazing how a trip planned for around 18 hours managed to pull off with a rented van and 8 participants. We went to Tree top adventure (Tree Drop was a blast) then Camayan beach to unwind.

7.) "Best Adventure Trip" - Bicol, August 2010
Amused by Mayon, Cagsawa and the kids' trick shots, Vera Falls, and Lignon Hill 'superman' zipline. Gave it a shot at CWC and failed miserably. Haha

8.) "Best Road Trip" - Subic, December 2010
Ocean Adventure the second time around. They had new shows and I was impressed by Olongapo Jones' relatively distinct accent. Hahaha. The road trip didn't seem long at all, thanks to a blooper and laughter-filled drive, right Jungle Joe.

Also, not taking SCTEX and going through the old route crossing San Fernando exit would save you around 100 bucks in toll fee.

9.) "Best Wedding" - Tagaytay, October 2010
Well-planned to the most minute details, this Tagaytay wedding was just as charming as the couple. <3

10.) "Best Deed" - GAC Medical/Dental Mission, September 2010
It has always been my goal to be part of a medical mission. This seemed to be the longest day ever. But being able to help as many folks as we could in an Aeta community in Olongapo was just priceless.

 I'd also like to share some of the discoveries which made it to my fave list.

 "Best Food/Resto" - Sizzling Stone Grill, Johor Bahru

Similar style to Sizzling Pepper Steak, only this time the seafood's getting cooked on top of really hot stone right in front of you. Really tasty and satisfying and quite cheaper food than in Singapore, crossing towards this part of Malaysia was worth it.

"Best Drink" - Red Horse

I've never tried this until I got to our mountaineering club. This will remind me not to repeat mistakes such as not telling your parents that you're gonna climb the 3rd highest peak in the Phils., drinking while you're in a jeepney traversing the curvy roads down towards Baguio, and telling more than what people need to know. (You don't really want to be a subject of the Vividness Effect.)

"Best Movie" - Into the Wild (2007)

This 2007 based-on-true-story film got me. For over a month, it got me to listen to Eddie Vedder's Guaranteed over and over again, and got me to wondering if I chose to lead a life like that. When the madness about it eventually died down, this continued and will continue to inspire me to experience the beauty of life, nature as well as human relationships wherever I can.

"Best Concert" - Backstreet Boys, February 2010

Who knew this would still happen 10 years later, when the kids are now yuppies, dragging their boyfriends to watch a Backstreet reunion concert in Araneta. Yeah, they definitely were older, but they still got the moves. Hehehe

"Best After-Office Gimik" - Lasertag

Extremely tiring 20 minutes. Thanks to for the discounted tickets to Lazer Xtreme and to the peeps from Tower2 who were as kaladkarin as I was. Even got to try wall climbing afterwards. Finally, we had dinner in High Street.

"Best Christmas Party" - Globe Rhythm of One

Delighted to have a company-wide Christmas party with good food, venue, hosts, celebrity guests and performances from fellow ka-Globe.

And that wraps up the highlights of my 2010. I would actually encourage doing this year on year. It's not merely to wallow in nostalgia, but a way to reflect and see things more clearly - how you've changed, what experiences were added to your memory, lessons learned, and just how grateful you should be for another year. Now, let's all be more hopeful for a better year ahead. :)


  1. aw nawala nga e2 na ulet.... nice blog... n more photos donnabels =)

  2. hehe. thanks. yup, more photos hopefully. Happy new year! :D
