Saturday, September 3, 2011

Our Adventure at Kuala Lumpur

It was time to spend the weekend off outside Singapore. I've been working here for two months now. And this should kickstart my streak of travels across South East Asia. Among the many options to go to, we chose Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which is about 45 mins away via plane or 5 hours via coach. I've always been curious to go to the country's capital and experience it myself, having many friends who had been there already.

If there's a slogan to summarize our entire trip, it would be best described by that from Nat Geo Adventure. Get Lost. Going for free & easy is quite challenging especially if you don't have data roaming, a physical map, or a local friend to guide you. Looking back, I don't want to repeat it (the string of choices we made that led us to getting lost) but I don't regret experiencing it. It was a beautiful and enriching experience.

The city is a confluence of the old and the new, the tall and the small. It reminded me of some parts of Manila. The language seemingly comes from a familiar place. The similarities do not fail to amuse. Muka (face) for instance is similar to mukha in Filipino. Pintu (door) for pinto. Lalake (male) for lalaki. Selamat (good) has a different meaning in Filipino word salamat (thank you). Teksi for taxi. :)

But the one word I would not forget... jalan, which means street. It's the one word we looked out for while we were getting lost. :)) 

The moment we decided to go, we immediately booked our coach round trip tickets via and our hotel via

Berjaya Times Square

Our journey began at Key Point in Beach Road, the pick up point of our coach. We needed to be there 30 minutes before to get our tickets from our online booking. At 11:59 pm our bus leaves for Malaysia. We arrived at Berjaya Times Square at around 5:20 am. Berjaya TImes Square is a huge shopping mall, with theme park, and hotel in one building. You might want to consider it as one of the must places to visit.

One mistake we did was to not exchange for MYR before leaving Singapore. We did not consider that we will arrive before stores open. Luckily, our taxi driver allowed us to pay in SGD instead. Caveat is we charged for double the price to get to the Petronas Towers.

Petronas Twin Towers

Around 15 minutes later we arrived at the former tallest building in the world. At night, you can't help but admire the the entirely lit facade of the structure. Completed in 1999, this has been the icon for Malaysia and hence the top tourist spot when you're visiting Kuala Lumpur.

Photo of Petronas Twin Towers from outside KLCC taken using an iPad

I was told by a friend that if you arrive there really early and queue for admission tickets to the Skybidge, you could actually get it for free. We went on a Saturday, the start of the week-long holidays for the Hari Raya celebration, so admission was not free. 

We had no idea what time they would start to let people in. From time to time, the entire queue formed outside the building was asked to get inside, closer part to the admission tickets. We were asked for a representative to queue to be able to purchase the tickets. Finally, we chose which admission package and which time. The earliest was 9am and we chose the Skybridge admission. Finally the long wait was over and it was our turn to go up 41st floor, where the skybridge is located. We have had 15 minutes to admire the surrounding city from above.

Snapshots of the fascinating view from the Skybridge of Petronas Towers

After the skybridge, we went to the nearby mall, KLCC, one of the most if not the most popular shopping mall in the city for breakfast. After which we went strolling around the outside park to get a better view of the Petronas Towers.

We went back to KLCC for lunch. Then it was around 1 pm when we finally decided to leave to get to our hotel. We took a taxi, the driver was wooing us for quite some time. Funny how one decision can change the course of an entire trip... This taxi driver asked if we'd like to pass by the chocolate factory to shop for some chocolates on sale. We did not seem that interested because we were pressed for time. Then he added the company gives 10 ringgits for every passenger he recruits to go to the store whether he buys or not. We still were not convinced as this would use up a lot of time. Then he calmly said "no problem". A few minutes later, he suddenly decides to drop us in the middle of Bukit Bintang, to avoid the traffic. He points us to a direction to get to our hotel. 

Cube Hotel and Bukit Bintang

It turns out where he dropped us off was not close at all to our hotel. We ended up circumnavigating the entire shopping district of Bukit Bintang for around two hours until we finally found our hotel. Whew... Our energies were nearly drained. After checking in we rested then took a bath.

Nevertheless, I was pretty satisfied with our hotel. It is chic and clean, has good location (although we had trouble finding it) and reasonable price for a budget hotel.

Petaling Street at Chinatown

Our plan of going to Genting until evening had vanished because of our exhaustion. We decided to go shopping instead. And that would not be complete without going to Chinatown - Petaling Street, an open street full of stalls for the cheapest bargains. Souvenirs can be bought at its probably cheapest price here.

Batu Caves

For our next day we were headed to explore some caves. A major tourist spot in KL, and just around minutes north of the city, this is a place for Hindu worshippers to pay respects to their Gods. Outside the 272-step stairs to gain entry to the caves, is a very tall golden statue of their God.

Seeing the tall stairs looks intimidating but it's not as difficult as it seems. It would take around 5 to 10 minutes to get to the top. But before getting there, you'd most likely see monkeys searching for food. Do not fret. Make sure you do not bring anything that looks like a meal for them to avoid getting confronted. :p

Inside the caves, there are some souvenir shops, and going farther you'd see statues of Gods. There's also a temple one can enter for worship, you'll need to take your shoes off. I've read somewhere too that there's a snake guy who allows for guests to pose with his snake for a photo. But that time I did not see him.


If you want to see a more modern view of the city. Go to its newest shopping destination. The Pavilion is the place for high-end stores, a distinctive fountain rests near the entrance. If going for breakfast, you have to try The Loaf. They serve really good breads and pastries and coffees at an affordable price.

Our ride home was during the afternoon. It was relaxing to be traveling the road again. I saw lots of greens, which reminded me of the provinces I've been to back in the Philippines. Plus our coach (StarMart Express Air Asia) allowed for unlimited massage right on our seat. How luxurious is that! :)

1. Do not forget to exchange currency before leaving country esp. if you're arriving really early when no money changers are open. Not unless if you're arriving at an airport.
2. When picking a taxi, try not to go for those who "haggle". We had not so good experiences with those.
3. If you do not want to use data roaming, you need to buy a map before going or check in to hotel first so you can ask for a map or travel guide.
4. If time permits, go to Genting Highlands, for a refreshing climate and view.
5. Always mind your belongings. That advice even came from our nice taxi driver.

Expenses Guide:

Price per group (4) Price per head
Round Trip Coach Transfer (Singapore to KL)

1N Twin Sharing Room at Cube Hotel
S$56 (2)

Petronas Towers Skybridge Admission

10 MYR
Taxi to Batu Caves from KL
20 MYR

Souvenirs bought at Chinatown
32 MYR

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Day of Flashbacks at Corregidor Island

Corregidor Island, formerly the strategic port and battle ground most notable during the World War II, is now a well-maintained historic site and tourist destination.

First of all, I'd like to acknowledge and Sun Cruises for offering this great deal. Without them, my friends and I would not have gotten the idea of going for a day tour. The regular day tour costs Php 2150 and we were able to avail it for only Php 998.

Ferry Ride

The journey towards the island took around 1.5 hours. I wasn't sure if it was the most comfortable ride. Good thing they provided barf bags to the passengers.

We arrived at Corregidor Island at 10 am. After alighting the ferry, the guests were split into groups, each assigned a tram accompanied by a tour guide. I'm glad our tour guide kept us up by filling in jokes and  some interesting anecdotes from time to time.

The Malinta Light & Sound Show

Set under the Malinta Tunnel, this thirty minute show presents the key events that shaped Corregidor Island and the rest of the country during the World War II.

I was surprised to see it maybe because I had a different expectation. It was not a typical show where one would passively watch, it allows to do even more, that is to imagine what it was like, to relive the experience.

McArthur Statue

"I shall return." These immortal words we all remember Gen. Douglas McArthur for were uttered in this very island. I did not know or perhaps I'd forgotten.

Buffet Lunch

For our lunch we went to Corregidor Inn, the only accommodation available in the island. This was inclusive in the day tour package offered by Sun Cruises. The food was average which was to be expected given what we paid for. It was enough to recharge us for the remaining journey ahead.


If I were to picture Corregidor Island, it would not be complete without the barracks. A lot of the ruins can be seen. They did not dub the island "The Rock" for nothing.

The Batteries

One of the main attractions and icons of Corregidor is the battery - the major artillery used for warfare. Around four kinds can be found in the island. The tour took us to Battery Hearn and Battery Way. 

The Battery Hearn, the longest and able to fire to the farthest distance

Spanish Lighthouse

The Corregidor Lighthouse may have been severely damaged during the war. But thanks to Corregidor Foundation it is now repaired and standing even taller at the top-side of the island. 

Aside from a Spanish Museum and gift shop, also within the Spanish lighthouse quadrangle is the observatory tower built around two decades ago. The tower also serves another purpose as a cell site of Globe Telecom. So Globe subscribers need not worry about the signal during their stay. :)

Observatory Tower

Pacific War Memorial

Built in honor of the Filipino and American soldiers who fought with their lives to regain freedom in the Pacific Ocean area. 

The writing on the center altar of the memorial dome

To convey what our heroes aimed for, behind the memorial is an artistic structure that symbolizes freedom. 

The Eternal Flame of Freedom

Japanese Memorial Garden

This garden was built to honor the numerous Japanese casualties during World War II. Very zen, this was the most calm and serene place I've seen at the island. We even got the chance to enter a small museum full of memorabilia, photographs, artifacts of the war.

The tour ended at 2:30 pm, it was time for us to go home and head back to Manila.

It was enlightening and at the same time heartbreaking to see the many horrors of war. Corregidor island lives on to continually remind us of how our fathers fought so that we may become free. We owe it to them. That being said, I'd like to end with a message of hope, of just how the world should be.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Photo Shoot at Paco Park

It was a despedida trip for me with my friends from my mountaineering club and as they've always wanted to do a photo shoot, we chose one of the recommended and historic places in Manila.

Paco park, a former cemetery founded during the Spanish colonial era, is now turned into a garden for recreation and relaxation.

Main entrance gate to Paco Park

Within the park's premises is a small dome structured chapel. I wish I'd get a   chance to hear mass there one day. It is very solemn and intimate. When we went there, there even was a wedding ceremony being held.

Chapel of St. Pancratius located within the walls of Paco Park

One landmark worth visiting while in the park is the resting place of the three Filipino martyr priests.

The burial ground of GOMBURZA (Jose Burgos, Mario Gomez and Jacinto Zamora), the three martyr priests who were executed during the Spanish era 

Paco Park reminds me of Fort Santiago. The structure - bricked walls and floor -  is quite similar. And what makes it even better is the nice greenery surrounding it. The crowd is less which makes the mood all the more relaxing.

Walkway above the walls of Paco Park

Paco Park is a beautiful place to conduct photo shoots because of its nice scenery and romantic feel. We were simply amateurs, equipped with DSLRs, models dressed with minor make-up. Perhaps that was why we caught the attention of of the park's security guard.

It turns out that we were not supposed to conduct photo shoot there unless we secure a permit near Luneta office. After the confrontation, we immediately packed up our stuff, strolled a lithe bit before we finally left.

Easily accessible, Paco Park is a nice place to relax and unwind while admiring our rich history. And if you're planning to conduct a photo shoot, make sure to get a permit first. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pahiyas Festival 2011

It's the most colorful time of the year. For 2011's Pahiyas Festival we went on the 15th of May, the last and the actual feast day.

Team Pahiyas 2011. Missing: two photographers.

Getting There

A bit farther down the Quezon Province, Lucban can be reached in around three hours without traffic from Metro Manila. We left around at 3am and arrived really early, a little past 6am.

Lucban - The People, The Livelihood, The Houses

Lucban folks earn most of their livelihood from farming. And the annual Pahiyas Festival is their way of thanksgiving and paying homage particularly to their patron saint San Isidro, for their fruitful harvests. 

On the month of May, there is a town-wide showcase and competition for households to decorate their homes using different agricultural products. This becomes the most colorful festival in the Philippines. Thousands of individuals flock from across the country to take part on this week-long festivity.


When I first thought of Pahiyas, I associate it with color and houses and decors. I did not expect that Pahiyas would also mean food trip! I mean every street, every house sells a variety of them. A word of caution before reading on if you get hyper and giggly over food especially when presented in awful lot of cute ways. :))

Kiping - Lucban's Icon

Kiping or rice wafer is one of the major products of Lucban farmers. It can be made into a variety of colors. Seasoned with sugar, and it's so delicious let alone colorful and enticing. Almost if not all of the houses have kiping as an accessory in their design. 

Cooked Kiping, 1 cup costs Php5

Pancit Hab-hab

Another signature product of Lucban is the so-called Pancit Hab-hab. What's interesting is how one would eat it. It is wrapped in a banana leaf and you don't have to use a fork or any utensil but holding it straight to your mouth would do. It is best to add vinegar to it and best to eat while it's hot.

Grab this light snack, Pansit Hab-hab @ only Php10


I'm not sure how it's called in Tagalog. But in Bicolano, we call this biniribid. It's minced rice grains covered my melted brown sugar and fried. Yum! It brought back memories of my childhood, how my mom would cook it for our meryenda.



Another option for pasalubong is the longganisa, featuring Lucban's signature taste. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to buy one.

Here are some cute of the cute arrangements they have done which shows just how creative Filipinos are in makin something special out of shall we say the ordinary.


Another admirable thing about Lucban is how plastics are banned and use of paper and recycled materials is tightly practiced. When purchasing any product, the merchants wrap the goods in old paper. Of course, it's hard when you'r buying stuff that are a bit heavy. So better bring a few plastic bags for convenience.

The Unexpected

At around 11am, after all the strolling, photo op at every house, food tripping, gags, along the fully crowded street, we were ready to leave, have lunch then off to Pagsanjan. When the unexpected happened. My relative who joined this trip, out of a sudden, had seizures then collapsed. I was pre-occupied with something when it happened and was frantically called by one of my friends. That was the fright of my life. Panic, regret, fear and yet I had to be strong for her. Thanks to the policemen and the locals who helped us get to a multicab to take her to the nearest hospital. The hospital would have been able to provide an ambulance to take us back to Manila but because no nurse was available to accompany us as it was a holiday there in Lucban, we were forced to stay for the night.


In the afternoon, don't miss out on a mini-Higantes festival parade. Although there was not an ample space to do a formal parade because of the crowd.

Pahiyas At Night

I have to say despite everything that's happened earlier that day, I was fulfilled in so many ways to have spent the night. I was buying food for our dinner and at the same time was trying to steal a few moments to capture some snaps. I just admired the lights, the ambience, the crowd, the cold breeze of the province. I also realized that it's better to stay overnight for the Pahiyas Festival and get to see it in the evening. Even though there still a lot of people, it's not that hot. And there's even a show at night.

A shot of the last night of Pahiyas Festival. The house on the right won 2nd place in the design competition.

Going Back Home & Lessons Learned

This experience was one of the most memorable ones. It awakened me to the unpredictability and vulnerability of life you get to experience while you travel. Sometimes, shit happens. As beautiful the experience of travel is, it comes to a price - of being out there, exposed to conditions that may be beyond your control. And it is what I always feared at the back of my head. It was hearing your mother say "I told you so."

The next morning we were picked up by my parents, my brother and my aunt. Being the organizer of the trip, who would've known I even got to bring my parents to Lucban (except that the Pahiyas Festival was over).   Lesson learned is be aware of the prior health condition of everyone you travel with. Especially if you're going to a really crowded and hot place. Bring always extra cash in case of emergency. Bring health cards or avail of travel insurance.

I'm so glad and relieved that my relative is okay after what happened. It was another first, it was traumatizing probably to all of us who were part of the trip. Now looking back, I would've told myself back then, that hey, that's life. Things won't always go your way. But you can't live in fear. You can't let that stop you from exploring and living life to the fullest.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

BAILORAS Day 4-5: Discovering Iloilo

Our last destination for the last two days of our trip was the beautiful province of Iloilo. Unfortunately, our time was cut short because we failed to catch the last morning Ferry trip from Bacolod back to Iloilo. We got back there in the afternoon after taking the 1 pm trip.

First thing we did was to check-in to our hotel. It was the biggest room we had so far. Yipee! Highway 21 Hotel is a family-friendly hotel, with a strategic and accessible location.

Ideally, we planned to go to a lot of places. But we had to limit them because of the lack of time. We dedicated the entire afternoon to going to the different churches in Iloilo. Our first stop became the Miag-Ao Church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We stopped for awhile to see the intricate details the church was made of.

30 minutes of Jeepney ride later, we reached the San Joaquin church.

Our final stop was the Moro-Guimbal Watchtowers. It took around 15 minutes walk from the drop-off point to get to the watch tower which was quite near the beach front. I'm not entirely sure this was the one. (Is it? ^^) The folks there say the other watch tower looked exactly the same. It was getting dark so we headed back home instead.

We wanted to experience some night life. I had another friend who was as interested to go clubbing. But somehow, the 4 days of continual moving from place to place had suddenly toned that desire down. So we had a nice dinner with a rock band on the background at the famous night life spot in Iloilo - The Smallville.

We could not leave Iloilo without tasting its famous La Paz Batchoy. So for the next day, we had our breakfast at Ted's. They say when you get to taste it, "Lucky Me" would be outside your vocabulary. And yeah I agree. It tasted really great!

We managed to pull off an extra hour to buy some pasalubong. JD's Backeshop is known for its butter chewies (what I used to call butterscotch).

My friend was very much keen on getting a box of Biscocho Haus that he went to the nearest store and promised to catch up. But it turned out later that it can be bought at the Iloilo airport at an even cheaper price. But kudos to my friend still for the determination. :p

And there went the final (half) day of our trip. Although it was such a rush, and we wish we had more time, I really enjoyed it. It was not very long until we reached the Iloilo Airport. Our taxi driver was really friendly and hospitable.

Expenses Guide:

Price per group (6)
Price per head
Family Room (Highway 21 - Annex)

Taxi (Weesam Terminal to Hotel)

Jeep (Hotel to Mohol Terminal)

Jeep (Mohol Terminal to Miag-ao Church)

Jeep (Miag-ao Church to Moro-Guimbal Watch Towers)

Jeep (to Mohol Terminal)

Taxi (Mohol Terminal to Hotel)
Taxi (Hotel to Smallville)
Taxi (Smallville to Hotel)
Taxi (Hotel to Ted's La Paz Batchoy)

So that wraps up our Bacolod-Iloilo-Guimaras reunion vacation. Those five days were epic, fun-filled, enriching, relaxing, longest time we've spent together and away from Manila. I wish we could repeat it. Hope this series of blog posts would inspire you to make the most every trip. We have managed to explore 3 islands in 5 days (4 and a half to be exact). Yes, if you will it, it is possible. Happy traveling! :)